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About C.A.R.E.

We all have a part to play in ending youth suicide.

We developed the C.A.R.E. Kit to equip trusted adults with the life-saving skills to help end youth suicide. 

In the past decade, 6,929 young people have taken their own lives. The C.A.R.E. Kit is made up of practical tools and resources to help anyone who needs them support the young people in their lives.

About CALM

Why we exist

One in five of us will have suicidal thoughts in our life.

CALM’s vision is that no one feels like suicide is their only option. But right now, too many people are struggling to see a way forward.

Every day in the UK we lose 18 people to suicide. This isn’t just a stat on a page. These are our mums and dads, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, partners and friends. That’s why we’re here to help anyone struggling with life - and provide everyone with the skills to help prevent suicide.

Practical suicide-prevention support. Straight to your inbox.

Sign up to learn how to use C.A.R.E. in real life and for the latest news, tools, and service updates from Campaign Against Living Miserably.